Active English Training

HOW can we communicate clearly and concisely, yet respectfully and thoughtfully? HOW can we build trust and relationships with clients, staff and team members from around the globe?

Effective communication skills will help finish projects AND connect with people on a positive and respectful level. If we communicate with diplomacy and attention to the feelings of others, our work relationships will be more productive and successful. This English communication training will help you find the right words in many challenging interpersonal and intercultural situations in the workplace such as saying no to requests, disagreeing with colleagues, giving feedback to team members, apologizing to clients, or sharing bad news with your team. In this seminar, we will give you tools, tips and plenty of practice to interact effectively within your own culture and across cultures.

Work Situations

  • Giving and reacting to feedback
  • Dealing with complaints and offering apologies
  • Saying no to requests
  • Reframing angry contributions in meetings
  • Reminding people of deadlines and tasks
  • Sharing bad news
  • Social situations (invitations, thank-yous, congratulations, and more)

Communication Competence

  • Creating positive relationship-building messages
  • Structuring messages clearly and politely
  • Communicating constructively
  • Wording messages diplomatically and without hurting the feelings of others
  • Avoiding embarrassment and defensiveness
  • Communicating across cultures with consideration and courtesy

Training Methods

  • Spoken and written communication exercises in small groups and pairwork
  • Re-wording and re-phrasing exercises
  • Transforming sentence structures
  • Quick-response exercises: reacting quickly and spontaneously
  • Language register exercises: formal and informal wording
  • Using polite expressions and sentence structures

Kursformat, Termine, Buchung, weitere Infos

  • Zielgruppe

    Teamleiter und Mitarbeiter in internationalen Teams in Unternehmen, Hochschulen und anderen Organisationen, Mitarbeiter in HR und Verwaltung, Customer Service Mitarbeiter, Abteilungs- oder Ausbildungsleiter

  • Kursformat

    24 Unterrichtseinheiten à 45 Min. = 12 x 90 Minuten
    1 x wöchentlich 90 Minuten
    Intensivkurs- oder Seminarformat auf Anfrage

  • English Level

    mind. B 2 / C 1 (Fortgeschrittene)

  • Teilnehmer

    Gruppen von 6 bis 12

  • Preise

    95 € pro Unterrichtseinheit à 45 Min.
    (Die Unterrichtsleistung ist nach § 4Nr. 21 a) bb) UStGesetz von der Umsatzsteuer befreit.)