Presenting research in a listener-friendly way
As academics you deal with highly complex subject matters. At conferences, however, you may have to present your research to an audience that are non-specialists in your domain. Or, you’ll have to speak to an audience that has already listened to dozens of presentations for hours on end, which has exhausted their attention span. Audiences are listeners and as presenters it is your job to make it easy for them to process and take in your information. Wording presentations in a listener-friendly way without simplifying your content will therefore be one main focus of this seminar.
Creating content for your audience
Do you want your audience to fund your research? Do you want your work to become known? Or do you want to connect with other specialists in your domain? Are your audience students, other research peers, or prospective funders with a business background? In this seminar we will look at what content and which details to choose, which points to emphasise and how to structure your content to make sure your audience takes home your message.
Developing flexible attention strategies
Holding your audience’s attention is key to a successful presentation. Only then can you attract funders, get credit for your work or get noticed by other research peers. We will therefore analyse attention strategies and presentation styles used by well-known academic presenters and Three Minute Thesis winners and we will put in practice those techniques you feel comfortable with.
German versus Anglo-American presentation style
The Anglo-American presentation style, which has largely been adopted by the international conference world, is in many areas very different from our German way of presenting. A more dynamic body language, projecting enthusiasm, and structuring the information around a story-line, which a broad audience can relate to, are just a few examples. Looking at successful research presentations by English native speakers, we will analyse these differences and practise those elements that feel natural to you.
Signposting language and functional phrases
This seminar will also provide you with a wide range of idiomatic phrases and functional language to help structure your presentation, emphasise points, and keep the audience engaged.
Kursformat, Termine, Buchung, weitere Infos
1 ½ Tage, 16.00 – 19.00 Uhr und 9.00 – 18.00 Uhr
coming soon!
English Level
mind. B 2 (Mittelstufe/Fortgeschritten)
max.12, buchbar derzeit nur für wissenshaftl. Mitarbeiter, Doktoranden, Habilitanden an der Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Sprachen- und Didaktikzentrum Hubland Nord
coming soon!