„The success of your presentation will be judged not by the knowledge you send but by what the listener receives.“ (Lilly Walters, author and public speaking expert)
Our Breaking Barriers presentation skills seminars designed for companies and universities focus on training the following areas:
Presenting to a multicultural and mixed audience
As business professionals, academics or teachers we have to present our work, ideas, and results to increasingly multicultural audiences. They bring along different levels of knowledge and different expectations concerning the information they wish to receive. Our presentation skills seminars will make you aware of how this affects the way we should choose the content, focus and structure of our presentation.
Flexible presentation styles and audience attention
Presenting is all about the audience taking home your message, buying your product, and funding your research. Breaking Barriers helps you develop a more flexible repertoire of presentation styles and attention strategies that speak to an international audience with different backgrounds, expectations and preferences.
Presenting in a listener-friendly way
As German presenters we are very good at giving well-structured presentations of a high standard. But how good are we at presenting in a way that is easy to follow for the listeners? An important focus of our seminar will be wording and structuring complex information in a listener-friendly way.