Active English Training

Our presentation skills seminar for companies focuses on training the following areas in a business related context:

Presenting in a listener-friendly way

Good presenters make sure to present the information in a way that the audience as listeners can understand and take in. How many details can listeners take in? Which of our data should we select? How complex should the information be? What can help our audience to take in and take home our message? Presenting information in a listener-friendly way is a main focus of this seminar.

Creating content that connects with your audience

Do you want your audience to buy your product, to invest in your project, or to be impressed by your performance? Is our audience made up of potential clients, board members, middle-aged professionals with high spending power or young students with a limited budget? In this seminar we will look at how you can create informative content that connects with your audience.

Developing flexible attention strategies

Holding our audience’s attention is key to a successful presentation. We will therefore analyse attention strategies used by well-known presenters and put those techniques in practise that you feel comfortable with.

German versus Anglo-American presentation style

The Anglo-American presentation style can be very different from our German way of presenting. Using dynamic body language, projecting enthusiasm, and structuring your information around a story-line that connects people from all backgrounds are just a few examples. Looking at successful sales pitches and presentations by English native speakers, we will analyse these differences and practise those elements that feel natural to you.

Signposting language and functional phrases

This seminar will also provide you with a wide range of idiomatic phrases and functional language to help structure your presentation, emphasise points, and keep the audience engaged.

Kursformat, Termine, Buchung, weitere Infos

  • Seminarformat

    1 ½ Tage (12 UE à 45 Min.) oder 2 Tage (16 UE)

  • Termine

    firmenintern in Absprache

  • English Level

    mind. B 2 (Mittelstufe/Fortgeschritten)

  • Teilnehmer

    Gruppen von mind. 6 bis max.12

  • Kursort


  • Preise

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