Autumn Activities-Active English Training

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This video shows how you can practise if-sentences type I as a speaking exercise. It combines controlled grammar practice with an element of spontaneous and free speaking. It comes with a worksheet with the topic ‚Autumn Activities‘ (Link below), but you can easily create your own worksheet around a different topic. I got the exercise idea from a written exercise in ‚Advanced Exercises in Practical English Grammar 2‘ by A.J. Thomson and A.V. Martinet (Link below).

English level: B 1
Structure practised: if-sentences type 1
Type of exercise: pairwork, speaking exercise, controlled grammar practice with spontaneous response element

Link ‚Autumn Activities‘ Worksheet:

Autumn Activities – Conditional Sentences Type 1 – Speaking Practice – Students

Autumn Activities – Conditional Sentences Type 1 – Speaking Practice – with Solutions


Link ‚Advanced Exercises in Practical English Grammar 2: